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"I would like to personally thank those who have provided testimonials and reviews. They are so rewarding and inspiring to read. I'm so grateful to have these amazing people who allowed me into their world"- Chantelle French


Albert Einstein

"Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies"


"Testimony of the codes Unfortunately, I am not so sensitive that I feel the codes in my body. But this Friday I saw them work right before my eyes. After breakfast, I started bleeding huge amounts of nosebleeds. I'm used to bleeding but not these amounts. My practitioner was not awake (lives in a different time zone) but I saw that Chantelle in New Zealand was awake. In a panic, I contacted her and asked for help. She wrote back a code to me and within minutes my nose stopped bleeding. At that time I had been bleeding for 30 minutes."

+64 21 299 7769

11 Nicholas Street

Auckland CBD


New Zealand

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